Fan Tai Sui x SRT Group Clearing
犯太歲 x SRT 團體清理
犯太歲 x SRT 團體清理旨在釋放並轉化與「犯太歲」相關的不協調能量或恐懼信念。「得罪太歲神」的觀念帶來了各種習俗和儀式。例如,人們會參拜寺廟,祈求太歲神的庇佑,並從中獲得內心平靜。 犯太歲 x SRT 團體清理引導我們和諧地接納蛇年的智慧,釋放外部環境對個人選擇和行動的干擾,學會相信內在力量,創造屬於自己的運氣。 Shirlyn Wright 將以愛為核心,連結蛇年所代表的聰明、冷靜和重生等能量特質,並清理延續恐懼或削弱個人力量的心態和能量: - 自我懷疑和無力感 - 祖先能量 - 對外在運氣的依賴 我們將以一個 15 分鐘的引導冥想作總結,與象徵太歲能量的木星建立聯繫。冥想以愛為基礎,透過感恩和靜心,讓木星的祝福進入你的生命中。 歡迎任何有興趣人士參加! 您可以為自己、家人或朋友報名,只需提供他們的姓名即可。 🗓 2025 年 1 月 20 日 (星期一) ⏰ 1 小時 🖥️ 錄音將在當晚提供 (無需親身出席) 💰 每人港幣280元 💽 英語及粵語翻譯 The Fan Tai Sui x SRT Group Clearing aims to release and transform any discordant energies or fear-based beliefs associated with Fan Tai Sui (offending the God of Tai Sui or the Grand Duke of Jupiter). This belief is accompanied by practices and rituals, such as visiting a temple to seek benevolence from the God of Tai Sui, which can help instill a sense of inner peace in individuals. The goal of the Fan Tai Sui x SRT Group Clearing is to help us harmoniously embrace the wisdom of the Year of the Snake, freeing ourselves from external influences on our decisions and actions, learning to trust our inner strength and create our own fortune. This belief is accompanied by practices and rituals, such as visiting a temple to seek benevolence from the God of Tai Sui, which can help instill a sense of inner peace in individuals. The goal of the Fan Tai Sui x SRT Group Clearing is to help us harmoniously embrace the wisdom of the Year of the Snake, freeing ourselves from external influences on our decisions and actions, learning to trust our inner strength and create our own fortune. Using a love-based approach, Shirlyn Wright will connect with the energy qualities of the Year of the Snake—wisdom, calmness, and rebirth—while clearing mindsets and energies that may be perpetuating fear or disempowerment: - Self-Doubt and Powerlessness - Ancestral Energies - Dependency on External Luck We will conclude with a 15-min guided meditation to connect with the energy of Jupiter (which is symbolically and energetically associated with the heavenly general Tai Sui). The meditation is based on love, allowing the blessings of Jupiter to enter your life through gratitude and mindfulness. Everyone is welcome to participate! You can sign up for yourself, your family, or your friends. Please provide their names. 🗓 20 January, 2025 (Monday) ⏰ 1 hour 🖥️ An audio recording will be sent to you by the end of the day. You do not need to attend in person. 💰 HK$280/per person 💽 Languages: English with Cantonese Translation
Contact Details
+852-9818 9341