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1,500 Hong Kong dollars
Secret of Bliss


[ SRT REVIEW CLASS ] discusses and reviews: ✨ Full Clearing Techniques Review and practice SRT Full Clearing Techniques, including Robert Detzler’s Form. Shirlyn will also check the accuracy and completion of students' Full Clearings. 📝 Chart 4: Past and Other Life Research The heart of SRT is research and clearing. Working with Spirit (HS), we research the cause of negative programs and belief systems. There is a logical process to follow when using SRT that can save a lot of extra work. In this class, we review the procedure and order for doing SRT research for the 13 basic programs. 👶 Inner Child Progression Each soul pre-plans the length of its life. It is important to make sure the inner child is cleared through to its expected final age of the body. Review the steps to progress the age of the inner child, which means to find and clear pre-programmed accidents, illnesses, Alzheimer's disease and dementia. 🧠 Brain Restructuring How to use Brain Restructuring to replace negative patterns that have been downloaded into the physical brain with positive patterns: 1) Negative Concrete Base: a set of four negative statements downloaded by the Soul directly into the brain when the Soul attaches to the fetus. 2) Present Life Negative Base: a result of conscious mind beliefs regarding present life associations with people and events. 📌 Dates: Oct 28, 2023 (Sat) Time: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Teacher: Shirlyn Wright Language: English and Translate in Cantonese Fees:HKD 1,500 ***Enrollment requirement: Participants must have completed the Advanced Class of Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT)*** <SRT 複習課程> 將討論和重溫: ✨ 全面清理技巧 複習和練習全面清理的技巧, 包括 Robert Detzler 制定的表格/格式。Shirlyn 亦會檢查同學進行全面清理的準確性和完整度。 📝 圖表4: 前世和其他世程式搜尋 SRT 的核心是搜尋和清理。我們與靈 (高我) 合作,搜尋構成負面程式和信念系統的原因。以合理的程序進行 SRT 能節省大量額外工作。課堂中, 我們將複習搜尋 13 個基本程式的步驟和程序。 👶 內在小孩進程 每個靈魂預先計劃了壽命的長短,重要的是確保內在小孩完全被清理至肉身所預期的最終歲數為止。複習如何順序推展內在小孩的年齡,搜尋及清理預設的意外、疾病、阿茲海默症 (老人癡呆症) 和腦退化。 🧠 腦重組 如何進行腦重組,以正面模式取代被下載到腦部的負面程式:1) 負面的基礎陳述: 靈魂進入胚胎時,直接下載到腦部的四個負面陳述句。2) 今生負面基礎: 意識對今生人與事聯繫的執念。 📌 日期:2023年 10月 28日 (星期六) 時間: 上午10分至下午6時正 導師: Shirlyn Wright 語言: 英語及粵語翻譯 費用:港幣 1,500 元正 ***報名資格:此課程僅開放給已完成SRT進階課程 (SRT Advanced Class) 的學員。*** If you are interested, please kindly register with us by WhatsApp +852-9818 9341 ( or Email: ***Copyright©Secret of Bliss 2020/2021. All Right Reserved. 版權所有,翻印必究***

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